Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
is a Recovery Program from Compulsive Eating and Compulsive Food Behaviours
The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions are the foundation of Overeaters Anonymous.
The Tools of Recovery provide a fellowship of experience, strength and hope where members respect one another’s anonymity.
Overeaters Anonymous Intergroup is in the Southern part of British Columbia Interior in Canada.
Our geographic location is large with many mountain ranges!
The intergroup (SBCII) is a service body for the Overeaters Anonymous groups in this area.
To find meetings (many are virtual) visit our Meeting Page
Groups are located in several cities and smaller towns in the mountains of BC. Don't be fooled by the snowy pictures. The members of this fellowship have warm and welcoming hearts.
OA asks for no dues or fees.
We are self-supporting through OA member contributions.
We are self-supporting through OA member contributions.